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Custom Lapel Pin Matching Available with Lapel Pins Plus

December 11, 2012
Dec 11, 2012
2 minute read

Has your boss or committee chair ever asked you to go and make a batch of pins and given you very little info to go by?  Maybe, all you are given is an old pin and you are charged with providing brand new pins using that same design.  Well, have no fear!  You have found the company that can help you out of this predicament.

Here at Lapel Pins Plus, we are able to reproduce any pin that you can send us.  Sometimes, even just sending us a photograph can work.  Once we have your old pin in hand, we send it to our production department where they create exact replicas of your pin.

If you find and old pin at a garage sale or in a closet and need to make more, please feel free to call or email us.  Once we use your pin to make the new ones, we will ship your original pin back with your new order of custom pins.  This ensures that you receive your cherished memento with no issue.

The image you see in this blog is a great example of our ability to match even the most challenging designs.  As you can see, our customer was more than pleased at our team’s ability to provide her with more cherished pins.  The customer asked us to even change the plating from a bronze to a gold which we were more than happy to do for her.

Order your custom lapel pins today.  Send us your pin or photograph today.  Visit to see samples of pins that we’ve created in the past.  Email your design ideas to or call 1-800-252-0904 toll-free.  We’ll be more than happy to send you a free price quote and email attachment containing the custom artwork that we created for you.  Take advantage of our design services today.  Contact us to get the ordering process started.