Today kicks off National Novel Writing Month. Support your local writers by rewarding them with a lapel pin thanking them for their participation during this annual event. Custom pins are a great way to encourage writers of all ages to complete a 50,000 word novel in 30 days.
Incentives like lapel pins keep people motivated and striving for the prize. Award everyone who takes part in National Novel Writing Month one type of pin for participation and another for reaching their word count goal. This helps motivate people to set the bar high and complete their novels before December 1st.
Custom lapel pins can be soft enamel, cloisonné, die struck or offset printed. They can feature an image or photograph of your school or club. If your writing group or school is web-based, you can include a URL as text on your pins. This will allow interested parties to participate in future National Novel Writing Month activities.
Don’t forget presentation options to put the pins in. They help store, protect, and display pins. Here is what we have to offer:
- Acrylic Presentation Cases
- Velvet Presentation Boxes
- Custom Printed Cards
Order lapel pins for your class or club this November in celebration of National Novel Month. We can help you come up with a unique design. Visit to see the different styles of pins we offer. Email your request to or call 1-800-252-0904 toll-free. We’ll be happy to assist you by creating lapel pins that are attractive, meaningful, and sentimental.