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National Restaurant Chains Use Lapel Pins in a Variety of Ways

November 13, 2012
Nov 13, 2012
2 minute read

I’m sure you have seen lapel pins at some of your most favorite restaurants.  Sometimes they are pinned to suspenders or a hat, or maybe worn on a bright colored uniform.  These lapel pins are part of a culture that restaurants are tapping into.  Lapel pins and trading pins are growing in popularity and restaurateurs know this.

Taking cues from Disney and Little League Baseball, restaurant lapel pins have really boomed in the last couple of years.  Members of management like them because of their affordability and versatility.  Workers like them for their flare and meaning.

Training programs, years of services and new product launches are just a few of the ways restaurants are incorporating lapel pins into their daily culture.  Creating pins after your restaurant mascot or characters is always a great place to start.  The pin you see here is just one of 5 designs this chain is currently using to go along with a program they have in house.

Contact us today to get started on your restaurant pins.  Ours are completely customizable.  Visit to request a no obligation, free price quote.  We’ll also send you an email attachment containing the artwork that we created for you.  This allows you to see what your pins will look like at the time of manufacturing.  Approve your design, pay for your pins, and we’ll ship them to you at no additional cost.  Free shipping is one of the many things that we offer to our customers.