Marching bands put in a lot of hard work and practice. Their dedicated members attend band camps and summer sessions where they’re able to show off their skills and make new friends. Schools around the country emphasize the importance of marching bands by having them play at special events and games throughout the season.
Marching bands have pins made for competitions that they go to. The bands have pins for Friday night football games that go on their uniforms. They also make pins for their band camps. Very few activities are not promoted with lapel pins in the marching band. An important part of a member’s uniform, you can see what school they go to by looking at their pins.
Pins are traded at tournaments. This helps foster a sense of goodwill among band members. Students swap pins with excitement. This makes everyone feel like a winner despite the outcome of the game or band competition. Pin trading is a big deal among sports teams and marching bands.
You can even use pins to help raise money for the band. Band boosters buy the pins and sell them as fundraisers. Family members wear marching band pins to support their loved one. This helps band members feel a sense of pride in their abilities and participation.
Rank pins are handed out depending on your level of expertise. Drum majors have their own pins and flag corps has their own as well. This helps identify the different bands featured in one school. As one member masters another set of requirements, they’re given a new pin. This helps band members strive to achieve new things the whole time they’re in school.
Order your high school marching band lapel pins today. Visit to request a free price quote. Email or call 1-800-252-0904 toll-free. We’ll get started on custom artwork for your lapel pins. The design we create for you is a direct reflection of your school and what it values. Contact us to get the ordering process started.