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Writer Workshop Lapel Pins Promote Learning

September 14, 2012
Sep 14, 2012
2 minute read

Writer’s workshops provide opportunities for authors, poets, and journalists to fine tune their skills in a fun learning environment.  In addition to having keynote speakers, classes, and film screenings, these highly advertised events offer the opportunity to network with industry professionals as well as novice and seasoned writers in all genres.

Custom pins can be handed out to people that register for a writer’s workshop.  They can also be created to identify speakers, volunteers, and staff at the event.  Pins can be presented to participants on a custom lanyard.  This is a great way for workshop organizers to know who is registered for the event and who is not.  It also gives them something meaningful to bring home with them.  Pins serve as the ultimate souvenir.

Writer workshop pins can highlight a specific writing style like copywriting or screenwriting or follow a theme.  They can feature an image of a keynote speaker or the front cover of a fiction or non-fiction book.  Quotes about books or writing can be added to the pin along with the name, date, and location of the event.  This is just a few of the ways you can make your writing pins meaningful and relevant.

Appeal to writers with custom pins.  Visit to request a free price quote today.  We’ll also send you a full color digital proof after hearing from you.  This allows you to make changes to the design before your pins are manufactured.  Email  You can also call a representative to ask questions and gain insight on ways to make your writer workshop pins stand out.  The number to reach us at is 1-800-252-0904.  It’s a toll-free call.