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Happy Labor Day from Lapel Pins Plus

September 3, 2012
Sep 3, 2012
2 minute read

Happy Labor Day from Lapel Pins Plus!  We want to wish you and yours a safe and happy holiday today.  As always, we’re committed to serving you by fulfilling your request for quality custom lapel pins.  Although it’s too late to order items for this special occasion, rest assured that there are plenty of other events to celebrate this year.

Halloween is right around the corner.  Thanksgiving and Christmas will follow shortly after that.  Contact us soon with your request and we’ll make sure that quality, custom lapel pins are part of your next corporate luncheon, sports gathering or school awards ceremony.  With a little advance notification, we can help you transform your next holiday into something spectacular.

Custom lapel pins are ideal for businesses and organizations of all sizes.  When you want to give someone a thoughtful and meaningful gift, you can do so easily with pins.  Worn on the lapel of a shirt, sweater or jacket, the mementos speak volumes about you and your thoughtfulness.  Members of your community will see the pins and know that they’re in capable hands because of the pins that you created.  Showcase your employees and volunteers unique skills and achievements.  They’ll appreciate the extra recognition wherever they go.

Submit your order to Lapel Pins Plus today.  Visit to see the different styles of pins we offer to our customers.  Submit your ideas to  You can also call 1-800-252-0904 toll-free with your questions.  We will send you a free price quote and full color digital proof upon your request.