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Flower Lapel Pins Have Many Different Uses

August 29, 2012
Aug 29, 2012
2 minute read

Flowers come in all shapes, sizes, and colors just like lapel pins.  There are so many different uses for flowers.  You can incorporate lapel pins shapes as flowers for your next event.

If you have wedding flowers, create a pin that is a mirror image of those exact flowers.  They serve as a great keepsake, one glance at the pin and you will be able to remember your wedding day.  Pins can be mailed to the people that were in attendance at your special event.  They can be used to commemorate an anniversary.

Flower clubs can create their own pin based on their state flower or their favorite type of flower.  The flower pin you see here is a gardenia.  People easily recognize it from a distance because of its unique look and shape.

Flowers are often times associated with dances or galas.  You can pass out pins to all guests that resemble the flowers at the event to really make a statement.  Take advantage of our almost limitless colors to choose from to really help your flower pins stand out.

Choose from soft enamel, cloisonné, offset printed or diestruck.  You can also select the size, shape, and colors that best fit your needs.  Your custom pins can have glitter or simulated gemstones to them.  Select areas of the design to cut out.  The lapel pins are truly a reflection of you and their intended purpose.

Get your flower pins today.  Order them from Lapel Pins Plus.  Visit to see the different styles of lapel pins we have to offer.  You can also email your request to  You can also call us with your ideas.  The number to reach us at is 1-800-252-0904 toll-free.