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Provo Utah Lapel Pins Highlight a Great Part of the Country to Live In

June 25, 2012
Jun 25, 2012
2 minute read

Provo, located in Utah Valley, is among the top 20 places to live in the United States.  The city has four beautiful and distinct seasons each year making it an ideal place to start a business and start a family.  In addition to its attractive climate and warm, inviting atmosphere, the city is filled with a rich and diverse history.  People from all walks of life come to Provo Utah to live, visit, and conduct business.

Provo UT lapel pins are created for a number of different reasons.  Here are just a few ideas that we’ve received requests for:

  • Real estate agents use custom lapel pins in place of business cards. They have their phone number or website address as a backstamp on the back of the pin so clients can contact them easily.
  • City officials use custom lapel pins to promote special events and festivals. This drives revenue their way in the form of increased tourism and community support.
  • Businesses in Provo use custom lapel pins to announce sales and to inform the public about the services that they offer. Lapel pins serve as miniature billboards and are among the most powerful marketing tools available.
  • Employers reward employees for their service with custom lapel pins. Provo UT lapel pins help boost morale and increase productivity in businesses of all sizes.

Get your Provo Utah lapel pins ordered today. Contact a Lapel Pins Plus representative by emailing or calling 1-800-252-0904 toll-free.  We can help you come up with a design that fits your needs and exceeds your expectations.  Bookmark and refer to our page often for updates and additional lapel pin designs shared in our gallery of artwork.