Custom lapel pins are the perfect way to get the word out about camping and campgrounds nationwide. The small pieces of memorabilia are customized for each location which ensures there are never two duplicate designs. The personalized pins often contain information about the campground including its name, location, and the year the campground was visited. This serves as a reminder to the person wearing the pin where it came from and how it was obtained.
Campground lapel pins are handed out to campers as a way of promoting the pastime. If others see the pins, they are more inclined to go camping on their next vacation or break from school. That’s what makes the custom pins such an effective marketing tool. Who doesn’t enjoy nature? Being in the Great Outdoors is something that has been written about for years. Individuals, scout groups, and families take to the woods and see what it’s like to sleep under the stars.
Lapel pins take on different sizes, shapes, and styles based on the artwork that is created for the customer. Our talented team of artists makes suggestions based on the pin’s design. This ensures that you receive the best quality and most attractive custom lapel pins available. If you want something like a cutout or glitter added to your design, just let us know when you contact us.
Don’t miss out on ordering your campground custom lapel pins this year. Visit to request a no obligation, free price quote and full color digital proof. We’ll be more than happy to assist you with your request and create quality artwork for your lapel pin design. This will make your pins memorable and special. Email your ideas to or call 1-800-252-0904 toll-free. We can’t wait to get started on custom lapel pins for you today.