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Proceeds from Sale of Bike Lapel Pins Go Directly to Local Charity

March 7, 2012
Mar 7, 2012
2 minute read

The Tulip Ride is an annual charitable motorcycle ride to the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival in Mt. Vernon, Washington.  It started back in 1999 as a getaway for riders on Microsoft’s Xbox team and now includes riders from all over the region.  The event is open to any rider with any skill level on any type of motorcycle.  This year’s Tulip Ride will be held on April 29, 2012 which is right around the corner. Custom Lapel Pins Serve As the Perfect Fundraising Item

The members of this group had us design a lapel pin that would be sold at the annual Tulip Ride.  All of the proceeds will go directly to their local charity.  Lapel pins for bike rides like this one are the perfect way to raise money.  People love contributing to a good cause.  They also love to wear custom lapel pins so this type of promotional product is ideal for charitable events.  Pins satisfy two purposes which makes donors feel appreciated and proud to show off their new piece of jewelry.

A Meaningful Souvenir for Every Rider

Most of the riders that go on these rides have in mind that they will be donating to the local charity that is sponsored by the motorcycle club holding the ride.  But when you give them a custom lapel pin for that ride, they are sure to give even a little more for the cause.  These bike pins serve as great reminders of the ride taken and the purpose behind it.

Pin Collections Grow with Every Motorcycle Ride That is Held

After a few years of collecting, you will have a sizeable collection of one-of-a-kind memories in the form of custom lapel pins.  If you are thinking of creating a pin for an upcoming ride, here are some tips to keep in mind. Including the name of the charity that the pins will be for, the date, and the motorcycle club that is holding the ride is beneficial.  This allows others to see what the pins are being used for and who is hosting the event.

Plan your next motorcycle ride and include custom lapel pins in your budget.  Visit today to request a free quote.  You can submit questions to or speak to a representative by phoning 1-800-252-0904.