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Challenge Coins

Jump Rope Lapel Pins Help Strengthen the Bonds of Teammates

March 23, 2012
Mar 23, 2012
2 minute read

Can you remember back in elementary school when jumping rope was an exercise you did during gym class?  Or, when you got home from school, you and a few of your friends would get a rope out and work on your double dutch skills?  Those were some fun times, right?  Can you believe that competitive jump roping is now as popular as it is?

Teams are formed and kids and adults alike are jumping in ways few people have ever seen before.  Team jump roping promotes healthy lifestyles and creates competitive opportunities through the sport of jumping rope.  Not only does it foster confidence, discipline, and responsibility, it also encourages leadership.

Nationwide, teams are creating custom lapel pins like the one pictured here in the blog.  These pins often show jumpers in action.  They also include the team name, mascot, and the city and state where the team members are from.

At tournaments, teams trade their pins with other teams as a way to meet and mingle.  They also swap pins because it’s a fun pastime that everyone enjoys.  Pin trading is the highlight of many events and competitions.

Jump rope pins are usually bigger than the average corporate lapel pin.  Ranging from 1.25” to 2”, these pins use a lot of color and are very fun for us to make.  If you don’t have a design idea in mind, let your jumpers help you.  Sponsor a contest and have the winning idea be the idea you send us for your custom challenge coin.  This is a great way to foster the spirit of competition in your jumpers and also to instill a sense of pride in the winner.

If you’re looking to spruce up your pin a little, consider using glitter paint or danglers.  We have seen danglers used to show the years that a particular team won nationals.  Dangling charms really enhance the appearance of custom lapel pins.

We are here to help.  Visit today to request a free price quote. You can also email or call 1-800-252-0904 toll-free.  We’ll be more than happy to help you come up with a design that you and your jumpers can be proud of.