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Trading Pin Tip of the Week: Order Earlier and Order More Than You Think You Will Need

February 10, 2012
Feb 10, 2012
3 minute read

Little League baseball and softball traffic is already starting to pick up here at Lapel Pins Plus.  With just a few months until tournaments start, now is the perfect time to start working on your pins.  Each year the same pattern seems to occur.  Teams from all over the country design their pins early but forget to place their order.  Sometimes they are waiting on final decisions to be made and sometimes time just gets away from them.

We understand this is how life goes but here is the biggest tip we can offer.  Order Early! Order as soon as you are satisfied with your design.  Right now, trading pins only take about 10-12 days to deliver.  As we get closer and closer to July and August, that time frame will swell to 2 -3 weeks to get the same pins.

This is based on pure volume.  Trust us!  We want all of our customers and all of the little leaguers out there to have pins for their tournaments.  For many of the players, the pastime of trading pins exceeds the excitement of actually playing the games.  The boys and girls get to meet new and old friends from across the country and share a pin that represents who they are.  If you wait too long, you run the risk of missing out on this entire experience.

The second point that we want to stress today is quantity.  Order a few more pins per player than you think you will need.  We always like to suggest that as a minimum, you order 1 pin per player for each of the teams in your tournament.  For example, if you have a tournament of 30 teams and your team has 12 players you would want to order (30x12 = 360 pins) as a minimum.

A lot of teams order 1-3 pins per player per team and for the Cooperstown teams, orders of 1000-2000 are the most common quantities ordered.  The fact of the matter is most likely your kids are going to trade all of their pins away faster than anticipated.  It is never fun to have to stop the trading excitement early because you are out of pins.  Take extra.  For an extra couple of dollars per kid, you can send them with a few more pins which will allow them to trade longer and to receive more pins from other teams.