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Donor Lapel Pins Are the Perfect Way to Say Thank You

February 13, 2012
Feb 13, 2012
2 minute read

One of the most popular uses for lapel pins is as thank you gifts for others.  Over the years, we have found that thank you pins given to donors of a certain charity or cause are one of the best ways to show your appreciation.  Lapel pins are great because they are versatile, they appeal equally to men and women, they are 100% customizable, and they have a high perceived value.

Recently, Delaware Hospice contacted us with a request to help them with their donor pin gift program.  The attached panda pin is the thank you pin that they will send to all of those that gave a certain amount of time or money to their foundation.  This is an ideal way to honor those who have made a contribution to a worthy cause.

A great way to differentiate between giving levels is to change the color of the plating.  Donors that reach the top level get a gold plated pin, then the next tier gets a silver plated pin and so on.  This is an economical way of differentiating because it does not cost you any money to change the plating within an order.

Another suggestion is to hand out the pins at a Gala or ceremony in one of our presentation cases.  From an acrylic box to a velvet box we have many different presentation cases to choose from to take your donor ceremony to the next level.  You can see pictures of them by visiting

Custom lapel pins are a great way to recognize donors and the commitment they have made to help out your foundation, non-profit or organization.  For more ideas on ways to customize your own pins, visit  You can also reach one of our representatives by emailing or calling 1-800-252-0904 toll-free.  We’ll be more than happy to assist you with creating custom artwork for your donor lapel pins.  We even pick up the cost of shipping by offering free delivery on your order of custom pins.