With a new year upon us, that means that trading pin season is just around the corner. In just a few short months, Little League baseball and softball teams across the country will be ready to start ordering their trading pins for the summer tournaments. Every team wants a unique, custom pin to call their own. In fact, it’s very important to come up with a winning design so that each young athlete has his or her chance to trade for the very best pins.
A longstanding tradition, players trade their team pins with other teams that are at their tournament. The kids swap pins for days on end. The first day of the tournament typically has a “trading” time setup where all the players can be in one area to begin the frantic trading session. The unusual pins often get traded first because they have higher perceived value than smaller or less ornate pins.
Ways to Increase the Perceived Value of Your Custom Trading Pins
The trading pin pictured here in our blog has some truly custom features that help it to trade first amongst the teams. The glitter is a great way to catch the eye of the person you are trading with. When the sun hits the pin and reflects the glitter paint, it makes for an impressive sight. The spinner that this pin has is a unique upgrade and is sure to put this pin ahead of all others. The thundercat head actually spins in a circle in place.
Here are a few of the options that we offer for our trading pin customers:
- Spinners
- Sliders
- Glitter
- Bobble Heads
- Blinkies
- Danglers
Start thinking about your team’s trading pin concept now and contact one of our knowledgeable sales associates. You can visit https://lapelpinsplus.com/ to see samples of the trading pins that we created in the past for customers. You can also email info@lapelpinsplus.com or call 1-800-252-0904 toll-free to request a no obligation, free price quote and full color digital proof.