The Wheelwright Museum of the American Indian is the oldest independent, non-profit museum in New Mexico. It offers unique exhibitions of contemporary and historic Native American art. From southwestern baskets to Cochitit figurines to modern Navajo and Pueblo jewelry, the museum also houses artwork of living Native American artists whom have been represented in an exhibition.
For years, we have assisted the Wheelwright Museum with their custom lanyard needs. In fact, they are one of our loyal customers. They change the color of the lanyard for each new order. This allows them to have a fresh look each year or with each new exhibit that’s on display.
Identifying Patrons is Easy With Badge Holder Attachments
Patrons of the museum wear the lanyards that have ID badges connected to them. This allows them to be easily identifiable. They also serve as effective marketing tools. Once the patrons leave the museum with the lanyards on, the advertising begins.
The j-hook attachment is a great choice because of its durability as well as its flexibility when it comes to attaching to different ID holders. That’s why it is a popular choice among museums and other businesses that use lanyards to identify employees and patrons.
Branding is Easy When You Incorporate Your Museum Logo
Incorporating the museum logo on the lanyard is a great way to help the general population start to recognize the logo and immediately associate it with the museum. This is a great way to get the community involved with special events and traveling exhibits. All a person has to do is take a look at the lanyard and your logo to know where it came from.
Order your custom lanyards today. Visit, email or call 1-800-519-9319 toll-free. We have all of the answers you need to help you place your custom lanyard order.