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Geocaching Lapel Pins Are Fun For Everyone to Wear

July 12, 2011
Jul 12, 2011
3 minute read

Geocaching is a worldwide treasure hunt that uses GPS-enabled devices.  People of all ages make their way to locations using GPS coordinates in an attempt to locate treasure boxes which are known as caches.  These boxes contain a log for you to write in and share your experience with others.  It also contains different trinkets which you can take home with you as a souvenir from your journey. Caches Are Geared Towards Adults and Children

Some of the most common items found in a cache include: bouncy balls, Happy Meal toys, stickers, keychains, and Hot Wheels.  These items are geared towards participants with children.  Some things that shouldn’t go into a cache include:

  • Lighters and Matches
  • Food (Animals will tear open the container!)
  • Pocket Knives
  • Paper Items That Are Not Sealed in Plastic

Many adults like having items to take home with them as well.  That’s where custom lapel pins come into play.  Personal and meaningful, these small artifacts make the perfect items to put into a cache because they’re small and attractive.  They also can be traded for other types of items.

One participant stated on a forum that, " I have a bunch of hat pins that I have collected over the years. I carry several of them with me when geocaching. If I take something, I leave one of the pins in exchange."

Geocaching Etiquette

Geocaching etiquette requires that you replace the item you have taken from the cache with something of equal value.  This makes geocaching fun for everyone because you never know what you’re willing to give up to get the item that you desire.  The participant mentioned above likes to keep a few extra lapel pins on his hat, that way he can trade one out if he sees something in the cache that he wants to keep for himself.

Individuals and families that are really into geocaching may want to create their own lapel pins to put into the caches that they find.  It’s a bit like a calling card.  This is especially true if the family chooses to put their surname or trail name.

If you want to make geocaching even more special, you should put a personal spin on it.  Create your own custom lapel pins and bring treasure hunting to a whole new level.  You’ll love reading all the comments left for you at and we can help make each hunt memorable for you.  Call 1-800-252-0904 to reach Lapel Pins Plus.  You can also visit or email