Memorial Day, once known as Decoration Day, has roots that span back to Civil War days. Once dedicated to the memory of fallen soldiers, the Federal holiday now pays tribute to all lost loved ones. Families gather together over the three day weekend to spend time with one another, reflect upon the past, and remember the family members and friends that are no longer with them.
Memorial wreaths and flower arrangements are commonplace at gravesites across the country. There are, however, other ways to pay tribute to lost loved ones. One of the most unique ways is through the use of custom lapel pins. These small pieces of memorabilia can be created in a way to honor a loved one’s lifestyle and achievements.
Here are some things you can do with lapel pins to pay tribute to the men, women, and children in your life that have passed away:
- Host a remembrance party. Hand out lapel pins featuring the person being honored’s name, date of birth or photograph. These small keepsakes are rich in personal meaning because they are custom.
- Use them to raise money for the family. Benefit dinners and fundraisers are a great place to sell Memorial Day related pins. The funds collected can be given to the family to help pay for day-to-day expenses.
- Attach them to silk flower arrangements that are placed on the graves. Instead of bringing just flowers, consider attaching your pin to one of the petals. It’s something to see dozens of arrangements bearing the same personalized image.
Custom lapel pins can be created in any size, shape, color, and style. They can feature different information about the person being honored and can include a photograph or graphic of your choice. This makes them as unique as the person they’re being created for.
What better way is there to pay tribute on Memorial Day than with custom lapel pins from Lapel Pins Plus? Submit your ideas today for next year. It’s never too early to start thinking about your future events and needs. Call 1-800-252-0904, email or visit today.