We have had the privilege of designing and producing multiple class challenge coins for the school located at Maxwell Air Force Base. Each graduating class has their own coin to signify their achievement. The different classes keep the same challenge coin front which includes the Maxwell Air Force insignia and then they customize the backside to fit their class’ unique personality.
Custom challenge coins make great graduation presents. They instill a sense of pride in the recipient and serve as a common piece of memorabilia that bonds all of those in the class that receive it. Because the coin has a shared front side, each class is tied together with the school not just their individual class. This makes the challenge coins even more symbolic in nature. They remain a visible reminder of the hard work and sacrifice that went into earning them.
Saving on Mold Fees
Having the mold fee on file for the front of the coins is a great way to save on costs because each class only needs to purchase the mold for the backside of their coins. This is one of the many ways that we impress our customers. We show that we value them and their business and that’s why we don’t charge them over and over again for the same design.
Benefits of Challenge Coins
There are a number of benefits challenge coins offer. Here are a few for you to think about:
- They’re custom.
- They’re portable.
- They’re symbolic.
- They’re versatile.
- They’re unique.
- They’re long lasting.
- They’re appropriate for military schools.
If you are graduating next year, please contact us to learn how we can create these one-of-a-kind mementos for your graduating class. You can reach us by phone at 1-800-252-0904 or by emailing info@challengecoinsplus.com. You can also visit us online by going to http://www.challengecoinsplus.com.