The National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution (NSSAR) was organized on April 30, 1889, the 100th anniversary of the inauguration of George Washington as the United States’ very first President. The fraternal and civic society was inspired by the Sons of Revolutionary Sires, a group of descendants of patriots involved in the American Revolution, as a way to commemorate the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776.
The National Society was chartered by an Act signed by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1906 that authorized the granting of charters to societies in various states and territories. Today, it is well-known for its historical, educational, and patriotic ties to the American Revolution. NSSAR is responsible for a number of youth outreach programs including the Americanism Elementary School Poster Contest, the Joseph S. Rumbaugh Historical Oration Contest, and the ROTC/JROTC Recognition Program.
NSSAR contacted us because they wanted a class lapel pin to give to all of their Congress members. Using their design ideas, we were able to create a pin that was memorable and rich in detail. Here are some things to note about their pin’s design:
• It was created in soft enamel. Soft enamel pins are popular because they are durable and long lasting. They can be created in any size or shape according to the ideas that you share with us.
• It features the colors red, white, and blue which are symbolic of patriotism in the United States. At Lapel Pins Plus, you can include up to 7 colors on your lapel pins for free. This is just one more way to set your pins apart.
• It has the state of North Carolina on it. A bold graphic really attracts attention to your pins. You can use an image, a logo or a photograph to add detail to your custom designed lapel pins.
• It explains who the pin was intended for–2011 SAR Congress. Personalizing your lapel pins with names, dates, and locations add to their sentimental value. They also are great for identification purposes.
Why Choose Lapel Pins?
SAR holds many events throughout the year where they hand out lapel pins to spread their message. As educational and marketing tools, these items cannot be beat. In fact, they can be considered a real value because of their versatility.
Here are just a few reasons why businesses, organizations, and groups choose us for their lapel pin needs:
• We provide a no obligation, free quote with every inquiry.
• We create custom artwork for you in-house.
• We provide a full-color proof to you and let you make unlimited revisions to your design.
• We offer ideas and expertise.
• We answer your questions in a timely manner.
• We provide free shipping on all orders being delivered in the United States.
If you are looking for a special way to pay tribute to those men and women that make up a critical part of your organization, visit, email or call us toll-free at 1-800-252-0904. We’re ready to start creating your custom lapel pins just as soon as you are!