Are you looking for that special gift to give your co-workers, mentors or superiors this year? Tired of the same lackluster items that are used once and put in a drawer? If that sounds like you, then we have the perfect product for you! Custom cuff links created from your lapel pin design are classic and meaningful. They have the appearance of fine jewelry which will impress anyone you decide to give them to.
Creating cuff links is easy once we have designed a lapel pin for you. We simply add a special attachment to the back which gives these items a completely different function. Rather than wear them on the lapel of a shirt or a jacket, custom cuff links are worn on the sleeve. These attractive gifts add style to uniforms and formal attire.
Custom cuff links can be created in a variety of sizes, shapes, styles, and colors. You can feature an image or a logo on the front of them. You can also have text included in your design. These minor details make a big impression on the people that see them.
An Affordable Way to Give Gifts
Custom cuff links are a great value. You can even break up your order so that it benefits you entirely. You do this by ordering a specific amount of lapel pins and have the remaining number turned into cuff links with special attachments. These sophisticated gifts are perfect for people of all ages and add a level of professionalism to everyday office attire.
Visit to find out how you can create your very own custom cuff links. You can also email or call 1-800-252-0904 with any questions you might have about the ordering process.