If you would like to use a check, we can accept those as well. We will have to wait to receive the payment before we can go into production, however. You can mail your checks to:
Lapel Pins Plus, 5840 Red Bug Lake Rd. Suite 35, Winter Springs, FL 32708
Purchase Orders
For government agencies we are able to accept Purchase Orders. Please email or fax the complete Purchase Order on an official letterhead and sign and date it. Once the completed Purchase Order is received, we can go to production. Once the order has been delivered, you have 30 days to make payment in full.
Wiring Money
We also have an account that money can be wired into, please contact your salesperson for further details by calling 1-800-252-0904 toll-free or emailing
No matter which way you decide to pay, we guarantee you this. You will be fully satisfied with your custom lapel pins when you choose to order from us. We are committed to providing you with high quality items and even pick up the cost of shipping as a way of thanking you for your business.