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How to Hold a Custom Lapel Pin and Embroidered Patch Design Competition In Your Troop

May 6, 2010
May 6, 2010
3 minute read

A little bit of healthy competition never hurt anyone.  The Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts of America are used to being challenged.  Individuals and groups are given specific tasks to complete.  Once they satisfy the requirements of each assignment, they earn a merit badge or lapel pin to put on their uniform.  A more personal spin on this ritual is to hold a custom lapel pin and embroidered patch design competition among troops.  The winner of the contest gets to see his or her design transformed into a wearable piece of art.

Daisy Girl Scouts, Brownies, Juniors, Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors alike can get in on the fun and design a custom lapel pin or embroidered patch for their troop.  Your artwork does not have to be complete.  A simple sketch on a sheet of notebook papers will do.  We can take your ideas and turn them into unique keepsakes that will make all of your Scouts proud.

A design like this can easily be turned into a quality custom embroidered patch or lapel pin:

Our experienced designers can transform a drawing like the one that Girl Scout Troop 640 did for their 2010 Lock-In.  The winner of the design contest had her original artwork submitted to us in the form of a scanned hand drawn sketch.  We were able to recreate the color scheme, graphics, and fonts using our sophisticated software.  The end result was a custom embroidered patch bursting with personality and a proud little lady.

Boy Scout Troops hold similar contests.  The Boy Scout Jamboree draws crowds of young men from all over the country.  A custom embroidered patch or lapel pin can help enhance the experience for Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts.  Holding a design competition a few months before the event can ensure that the winning patch will arrive in time to sew onto the Scout’s uniform.

Lapel Pins Plus wants to give you a few pointers so you can hold your own custom lapel pin and embroidered patch design competition.  Here are a few things to remember:

  • Each Scout should know the theme of the contest.  To help them understand what images would be deemed appropriate, a Troop Leader can create a sample design and post it in a place where it is highly visible.

  • A handout featuring a circle similar to the size of a merit badge or embroidered patch should be given to each child.  The most common size for a troop’s patch is 2 ½ inches.   We can make it larger or smaller according to your preferences and design details. Instructions should be given in terms of the size and shape of the drawing.  Artwork must remain in the designated area to be considered as a finalist in the contest.

  • Note that submitting an entry makes the Scouts eligible to receive a custom embroidered patch or lapel pin.  The winning design, however, will be the one featured on the badge or pin.

Taking your troop’s design ideas and turning them into something tangible is an incredible feeling. The prospect of creating the chosen design motivates Scouts and encourages them to be their best at everything they do.   Call Lapel Pins Plus today at 1-800-252-0904 for a free custom lapel pin or embroidered patch quote.